I make sense of the world by documenting it. To my way of thinking, nothing is mundane. Every event is a story to be told, every image, a picture to be taken.
I developed this philosophy when I was a general assignments reporter for a major metropolitan daily. Working alongside some of the best journalists and photojournalists in the business, I learned how to beat the clock while producing accurate, stylistic copy. I also learned that all the good writing skills in the world mean nothing if you have nothing to say; the best writers are naturally curious, alert to the nugget of truth that makes every story worth telling. This rigorous early experience grounded me in a foundation of ethics and purpose. It also gave rise to a variety of ventures, including a syndicated lifestyle column that has appeared in more than 100 newspapers and dot.coms during its 20-year run.
I find good journalism to be more than a profession. I find it to be a mission and a promise. I invite you to browse my Web site and to contact me with your photography/writing/editing needs, or just to chat about journalism and creative expression in the digital age.